





We all know that too much salt is bad for you, but salt also has its benefits; salt plays its role in our bodies and in our food for preservation as well as taste. Our salt-free products are about empowering consumers to monitor the levels of salt in their diets, giving them control over how much they want in their cooking.

Facts about salt:

  • The reason that too much salt is bad for you is that; salt works on your kidneys to make your body hold on to more water. This extra stored water raises your blood pressure and puts strain on your kidneys, arteries, heart and brain.
  • A diet that is high in salt can cause raised blood pressure, which currently affects around one third of adults in the UK.
  • You don’t have to add salt to food to be eating too much – 75% of the salt we eat is already in everyday foods such as bread, breakfast cereal and ready meals.
  • The average daily salt intake in the UK is about 8.1g (one and a half teaspoons!), but we should be having much less than this – no more than 6g (one teaspoon) a day for adults and less for children.

     For more information on salt and health, please visit:



Sugar is one of three kinds of carbohydrate: starch, fiber and sugar. Sugar is found only in foods of plant origin. In food, sugar is classified as either naturally occurring or added. Naturally occurring sugars include lactose in milk, fructose in fruit, honey and vegetables and maltose in beer. Added sugars originate from corn, beets, grapes, and sugar cane, which are processed before being added to foods. The body cannot tell the difference between naturally occurring and added sugars because they are identical chemically. Although, food sources of naturally occurring sugars also provide vitamins and minerals, while foods containing added sugars provide mainly calories and very few vitamins and minerals. For this reason, the calories in added sugar are called “empty calories”.

Facts about sugar:

  • A moderate amount of sugar can be eaten as part of a healthy balanced diet. The maximum recommended daily intake of added sugars (excluding lactose) is 10% of total calories (kcal) which is approximately 50 grams per day for a 2,000 calorie (kcal) diet. This includes honey, table sugar and sugars in fruit juices and processed foods.
  • Brown sugar has less calories because it contains more water
  • One level teaspoon of sugar (4g) contains 16 calories (eek!) and as sugary foods (e.g. chocolate, cakes and biscuits) and drinks can taste great and can be rich in calories, it is easy to eat too many calories from sugary products.

For more information on sugar and health, please visit:



Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye, and barley that is commonly found in bread, beer, pasta, and a wide range of other processed foods containing these grains. Coeliac disease is a common digestive condition where a person is intolerant (has an adverse reaction) to the protein gluten. If someone with coeliac disease is exposed to gluten, they may experience a wide range of symptoms.

Facts about gluten:

  • Coeliac disease affects one in 100 people in the UK, with another 500,000 people thought to be sufferers without knowing it.
  • There are blood tests to diagnose the condition. For more information visit the NHS.
  • “Gluten-Free” doesn’t mean healthy! Just because a product is labelled as gluten free does not mean that it will be good for you. Take time to look at the ingredients and nutritional information to make an informed decision on purchasing the item.

For more information on gluten, health and coeliac disease please visit:


Disclaimer: We are not and do not claim to be nutritional specialists. Please consult your doctor or a dietician for more facts and advice about your diet.

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